Why infidelity is never your fault.

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of infidelity, we know your brain instantly thought ‘what did I do to deserve this?’ or 'what could I have done differently so that my partner would love me enough to be faithful?’ We know this is the ugly truth of infidelity. But we also know that infidelity is never your fault.

Seeking the missing piece

An unfaithful partner is always seeking something. Something that they are missing within themselves or feel like they are not getting in their primary relationship. What this means is, that instead of communicating to their partner in a healthy way, they will seek that missing ‘thing’ elsewhere. Why? Well we know this is typically easier than communicating to a current partner what feels like it's missing. Or taking the time to think about WHY there are unmet needs. It’s simply impossible to provide a partner with something that you or even they didn't know they needed. Meaning? Infidelity is never your fault.


Think about it like this. A so-called reason for infidelity that we often hear is ‘my partner wouldn't have sex with me, so I found it elsewhere’. Instead of taking accountability for their part and investing in their relationship, an unfaithful partner found it easier to get a quick fix elsewhere. Instead of rationally thinking ‘okay– my needs aren’t getting met, but why doesn't my partner want to have sex with me?’. Maybe it's a lack of respect, maybe said partner feels unheard. Either way, it would take investing in their relationship and getting to the root or the problem which might force them to be accountable for not being the best partner. Again, proving that if you are on the receiving end, infidelity is never your fault.

It’s hard to go into detail about all the reasons infidelity is never your fault, in one blog post. But we want you to know– 

We honor your pain.

You are worthy.

You are strong. 

You are enough. 

& you are never alone. 

Did you know that around 57% of couples will actually stay together after a season of infidelity? We would love to invite you to join our email newsletter for support & community around the topic of infidelity. Sign up here, we can't wait to serve you. 


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