How PTSD & Narcissistic Relationships Go Hand in Hand

“For the narcissist – reality is an aggression.” 

— Dr. Frank Yeomans

This quote perfectly summarizes why being in a relationship with a narcissist is crazy making and can over time even lead someone to develop symptoms of PTSD. In order to survive a relationship with a narcissist, particularly in childhood but also in adult relationships many people become agreeable because that is the only option. This can happen slowly over time where you may not even realize how much of yourself you lost until something happens that is your final straw and you look in the mirror one day and realize you do not even recognize the person looking back at you. This is the crazy making experience of being in a relationship with a narcissist – and it is not your fault. 

Individuals who have been in a significant relationship with a narcissist often describe symptoms such as the following:

  • intrusive distressing memories

  • disturbed sleep/nightmares

  • dissociative reactions – feeling out of body

  • avoidance of certain people or places

  • distressing negative beliefs about themselves such as “I am crazy/damaged”

  • hypervigilance

  • issues concentrating

  • feeling like you lost who you once were

These are all symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder and can have a very significant effect on someone's life. In addition to seeing a therapist who is well informed on personality disorders, it is imperative to surround yourself with people and activities that help you feel as connected as possible to feeling loved, valuable, and safe. Healing from a narcissistic relationship is hard work and is a time where you need to aggressively pursue self care and self regulating activities that will over time help your nervous system begin to realize that you are now safe. 


Narcissistic Abuse: When Men Are the Victims


Communication Styles in Relationships