The Power of Our Thoughts

Our thoughts matter. As therapists, we are consistently talking to clients about being kind to themselves, having self-compassion and loving and nurturing ourselves. There is actual research* that shows that uplifting and encouraging messages can change the molecular structure of water… on average the human body is 60% water. Our thoughts and feelings toward ourselves literally have the ability to change the way we feel and the state of our bodies. 

This research was conducted by a Japanese researcher and healer, Dr. Masaro Emoto. Emoto’s work showed that water molecules exposed to positive thoughts and words, such as thank you, love and gratitude, and harmony actually became clearer, more balanced and symmetrical. The molecules exposed to the negative thoughts and words, like evil, you fool, and you disgust me, were broken, muddy and polluted. 

Think about the negative messages you tell yourself when you make a mistake, fail or feel embarrassed or ashamed. You are breaking down the molecules that support your basic biological structure and the basis of your life itself. The same goes for the messages we give others – our spouses, our children and our friends. 

The healing power of our thoughts and words can be astounding. You are powerful and you matter – your thoughts and words matter. You are worthy of holding yourself and others in kindness.



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